We have kept our principle and dignity
FACE SEOUL have built the way of putting
the patients in the first priority. We take care of
every patient with our pride as an professional
of health and beauty for women.

Facial acupuncture for
charm and elegance

페이스연구소는 대한민국 한의사 송정화에 의해서 만들어진 미소안면침을 교육하는 기관입니다. 안면의 각종 질병이나, 안면신경마비치료, 안면신경마비후유증, 안검경련 등의 증상을 오직 침만으로 치료해서 수술없이,화학적요법이나 보형물을 삽입하지 않고 아무런 부작용이 남지 않는 침만으로 안면을 교정하는 방법을 연구합니다.
Faceseoul is an educational institution for teaching miso-face acupuncture by Korean Medicine Doctor, Song Jeong Hwa .
We keep researching the way of treatment for all kinds of disease on face, facial paralysis, aftereffect of facial paralysis, and eyelid seizure only by needles without any other surgery, chemical treatment, or fillers.
"FACE is a Korean medical treatment by acupuncture. FACE has the aim on natural improvement not on artificial changes.."
— Song Jeong Hwa —
・ Adjunct professor of Kyung-hee Korean Medical Univ.
・ President of Facial Acupuncture for Charm and Elegance Korea
- 2019~2023 : Lectured at Taiwan Facial Acupuncture Society (face.org.tw)
1st Term in 2019 (1/13, 3/24, 6/2)
2nd Term in 2019 (8/25, 10/13, 12/1)
3rd Term in 2020 (11/8, 11/22, 12/13)
4th Term in 2021 (3/28, 5/9, 6/20)
5th Term in 2022 (2/13, 4/10, 6/12)
6th Term in 2022 (8/14, 9/18, 11/20)
7th Term in 2023 (4/2, 5/7, 6/25)
8th Term in 2023 (8/27, 10/15, 11/26)
- 2023 : Invited Lecture at American Facial Acupuncture Society (2~4th Sep.)
- 2022: Invited Lecture at National University of Health and Sciences(4th Nov.)
- 2022: Invited Lecture at American Facial Acupuncture Society (28~30th Oct.)
- 2019: Invited lectured at PICOM (Pacific College of Oriental Medicine) 16th Nov.
- 2018: Lectured at Agopuntura Medica integrate (AMI) (23th Nov~25th Nov) Italy
- 2018: Lectured at World Scientific and Cultural Dialogue on Acupuncture (WSCDA) (16th Nov) France
- 2017: Lectured at Rothenberg TCM Kongress 2017(23,24th May) Germany
- 2017: Lectured at 9th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2017(12th Mar)
- 2013: Invited Lecture at 8th International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine (ICTAM) 2013 (9-13th Sep)
- 2017 : Lectured at Rothenberg TCM Kongress 2017(23,24th May)
- 2013: Invited Lecture at Chinese Medical Association of Acupuncture (CMAA)(1st Sep)
- 2013: Invited Lecture at Taipei Chinese Medical University (18th Apr)
- 2012: Lectured at Interdisciplinary Acupuncture Symposium Athena (25th May)
- 2010: Presented at the workshop in Workshop in the AAAOM 2010 Albuquerque Meeting (8,9th Apr)
- 2009: Lectured in the AAAOM 2009 Sacramento Meeting (23th Apr)
- Created a new method of facial rejuvenation and facial lifting in 1999
- Currently President of Korean Facial Rejuvenation Association (the only learned society in Korea, in the field)
- Specialized in facial rejuvenation and facial lifting through acupuncture

FACE Facial Acupuncture for Charm and Elegance is a Korean medical treatment by acupuncture. FACE has the aim on natural improvement not on artificial changes.

It looks natural.
FACE Facial Acupuncture for Charm and
Elegance is a non-surgical and natural treatment.

It has no side effect.
It has no side effects or risks due to not
inserting any artificial substances or toxins in the face unlike other procedures.

It’s consistent.
It improves blood circulation so it’s not a one-time effective treatment but a essential treatment.

Less wrinkles, bright skin.
It’s pain free.
FACE is less painful treatment because it
uses the exclusively processed needles.
Return to everyday life.
Other plastic surgeries need at least a week
during recovery. So it’s quite inconvenient
feature of plastic surgery especially for busy
patients. But after FACE the patient can
return to their daily routine right after the
Other treatments can’t improve them both,
but FACE affects muscles and skin and also
blood flood so it solves the problems of
them all.
In FACESEOUL, we apply maeseon to the FACE method and it turned out to have outstanding effects. We named it Harmony Lifting.

In FACE SEOUL, we apply maeseon meso thread to the FACE method and it turned out to have outstanding effects. We named it Harmony Lifting. Originally measeon is an implant the absorbable thread in the skin by needles. Actually measeon itself has
a dramatic effect on facial lines. But by the method of FACE, we improve the blood flood and ease the rigid muscle first, and then use the very thin measeon only but it is much more effective. Harmony lifting is the treatment which has a philosophy of Kyunghee Hyojeon to cure root causes.

3rd floor. 7, Gyeonghuigung-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea